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Unlock Your Potential with Skyllful Certification

Explore our comprehensive certification levels and training programs designed to elevate your skills, recognize your achievements, and support your journey to becoming a Skyllful expert.

Certification Levels

Awarded to individuals who have completed a comprehensive series of in-depth training modules covering all aspects of the Skyllful Platform, from basic functionalities to advanced features. This certification includes hands-on practice, portfolio development, and expert guidance.

💡Ideal For: Users who want a better grasp of the platform have completed specific training modules and demonstrated a solid grasp of the platform's capabilities, enhancing their professional credentials.




Skyllful Expert

Certification for Skyllful Facilitators and Instructional Design Coaches
Individuals who earn the Skyllful Expert certification have achieved the highest credential offered by Skyllful. This badge is a culmination of Skyllful learning achievements and sustained facilitation excellence. Earners of this badge have displayed the advanced knowledge and skills required to facilitate Skyllful Training Certificate courses.

Earning Criteria

▪️ Attained Certified Skyllful Professional certification level. 

▪️ Earned Skyllful Administrator Training Certificate.

▪️ Facilitation Capstone: Successfully deliver three separate Skyllful Training Certificate courses--Skyllful Instructional Design Training Certificate, Skyllful Content Development Training Certificate, and the Skyllful Administrator Training Certificate.

▪️ Level 1 assessments from training sessions exceed 90% satisfaction rating.

▪️ At least three learners of candidate have reached Certified Practitioner and/or Professional status.

▪️ A Certified Skyllful Expert will assess overall performance and award the Certification upon meeting the required standards. 



Skyllful Professional

Skyllful Certification for Instructional Designers
Individuals who earn the Skyllful Professional badge have been certified in the design and development of instructional content within the Skyllful platform. Skyllful Professionals have completed all learning requirements and have shown proven results through a portfolio of Skyllful lessons.

Earning Criteria

▪️ Successfully earned the Skyllful Instructional Design Training Certificate.

▪️ Completion of a Skyllful portfolio of 15+ lessons containing all four modes.

▪️ Portfolio has been consumed by at least 50 unique learners.
▪️ Portfolio has been vetted by a Certified Skyllful Expert and adheres to Skyllful standards. Review will include lesson performance as well as learner feedback.



Skyllful Practitioner

Skyllful Certification for Content Developers
Individuals who earn the Skyllful Practitioner badge have been certified in the development of instructional content within the Skyllful platform. Earners of this badge have completed all learning requirements and have shown proven results through a portfolio of Skyllful artifacts.

Earning Criteria

▪️ Successfully earned the Skyllful Content Development Training Certificate.

▪️ Replicate 100+ assets.
▪️ Finalize 10+ lessons for deployment to learners.
▪️ Portfolio of assets and finalized lesson has been consumed by at least 50 unique learners.
▪️ Portfolio has been vetted by a Certified Skyllful Expert and adheres to Skyllful standards. Review will include screen performance, lesson performance as well as learner feedback.

Training Certificates

Granted to participants who have successfully completed a Skyllful Platform training course. This certificate indicates a thorough understanding of the platform’s functionalities, from basic operations to advanced features, and recognizes the learner’s dedication and hard work.

💡Ideal For: Users aiming to achieve a thorough understanding of the platform and demonstrate proficiency in its use.

Skyllful Facilitator

Training Certificate for Skyllful Facilitators and Instructional Design Coaches

Individuals who earn the Skyllful Facilitator Training Certificate have successfully completed the Skyllful Facilitator Train-the-Trainer coursework. They have a shown competence that extends beyond that of course design and content development - and also encompass program administration, user management, and analytics assessment. Earners of this badge have developed the advanced knowledge and skills required to facilitate Skyllful Training Certificate courses.

Earning Criteria

▪️ Successfully earned the Skyllful Content Development Training Certificate.

▪️ Co-facilitate three separate Skyllful Training Certificate courses--Skyllful Instructional Design Training Certificate, Skyllful Content Development Training Certificate, and the Skyllful Administrator Training Certificate.
▪️ Earners will receive extensive guidance and coaching.
▪️ A Certified Skyllful Expert will assess overall performance and award the Training Certificate upon meeting the required standards.
Skyllful Instructional Design

Training Certificate for Instructional Designers
Earners of the Instructional Design Training Certificate have completed the Skyllful Studio - Curriculum Design & Development course work. Earners are skilled know how to analyze, scope, and design effective Skyllful microlearning curricula. In addition to curriculum design, learners can exhibit Skyllful's prescribed instructional design principles and develop Skyllful learning artifacts.

Earning Criteria

▪️ Successfully complete the Skyllful Instructional Design coursework.

▪️ Complete practical application design lessons, receive extensive coaching, perform required revisions, to complete the simulated client project.
▪️ Earners create a portfolio that must pass certain criteria.
▪️ A Certified Skyllful Expert will assess overall performance and award the Training Certificate upon meeting the required standards.
Skyllful Content Development

Training Certificate for Content Developers
Earners of the Content Development Training Certificate have completed the Skyllful Content Development coursework. Earners are skilled at curriculum development and can develop Skyllful learning artifacts in multiple modalities to include tutorial videos, immersive walkthroughs, sandbox workflows, and knowledge assessments.

Earning Criteria

▪️ Successfully complete the Skyllful Content Development coursework.

▪️ Complete practical application assets, receive extensive coaching, perform required revisions, to complete the simulated client project.

▪️ Earners create a portfolio that must pass certain criteria.

▪️ A Certified Skyllful Expert will assess overall performance and award the Training Certificate upon meeting the required standards.




Skyllful Project Manager

Training Certificate for Project Managers supporting a Skyllful project 
Earners of the Skyllful Project Manager Certificate have completed the Skyllful Project Manager coursework. Earners are capable of managing projects in which design and development teams who are creating curriculum within the Skyllful Platform.

Earning Criteria

▪️ Successfully complete the Skyllful Project Manager coursework.



Skyllful Administrator

Training Certificate for those Administering Skyllful Users and Lessons
Earners of the Skyllful Administrator Certificate have completed the Skyllful Course Administration coursework. This course prepares learners to administer users and permissions, as well as manage assignments in the Skyllful Platform.

Earning Criteria

▪️ Successfully complete the Skyllful Course Administration coursework.



Skyllful Contributor

Training Certificate for subject matter experts (SMEs) who are informing the design and development of Skyllful lessons
Earners of the Skyllful Contributor Training Certificate are subject matter experts (SMEs) who inform and support the design and development of Skyllful lessons. This coursework prepares SMEs to share knowledge effectively, capture workflows, and provide feedback as lessons are build. Earners of this badge will be provided tools and best practices to support quality knowledge transfer.

Earning Criteria

▪️ Successfully complete the Skyllful Subject Matter Expert Foundations coursework.


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