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Remote and Offline App Training for Frontline Workers

Support and empower your distributed frontline workforce with Skyllful. Skyllful's enterprise app training for remote workers helps your workforce learn about mission-critical applications, leading to increased productivity, improved employee satisfaction and a greater return on your technology investments.

Platform Features

Skyllful's offline app learning platform solutions include:

Microlearning modules

Skyllful uses a microlearning approach to promote long-term retention, increase convenience and improve employee experience. Learners can easily take an impactful yet short lesson in their downtime throughout their day. 

Offline content consumption in real time

Frontline workers often go without connectivity due to the nature of their job, but with Skyllful, they can maintain productivity and keep learning. Users can download lesson content locally onto their primary device for offline viewing.

Intuitive navigation and search features

Skyllful's intelligent search function helps users find specific lessons quickly and efficiently as they search keywords. The search functionality can handle typos, rank results by relevance and remember previous searches, enabling learners to find the specific content they need to answer their questions.

Easy progress tracking

Administrators and operation leaders can see who's done what and when with Skyllful's comprehensive analytics capabilities. You can track learner performance and content effectiveness to better connect with learners and meet their learning needs.

Personalized learning paths

Skyllful allows for self-paced, hands-on learning, letting users complete training in a safe environment. Create different lesson modalities, including videos, walkthroughs, practices and knowledge checks, to effectively help each worker focus on the specific concepts relevant to their jobs.

Language support

Whether you deploy globally or domestically, you can rely on Skyllful to provide multi-language support for your users. Learners can pick the language that will ensure their comfort and promote their learning success.

Reach your employees wherever they are

Users can access app simulations via web or native mobile apps. Learners can complete training and continue their learning.

Deploy user-friendly microlessons

Skyllful's short and easy-to-consume lesson formats make it easy for users to complete training on their own schedule.

Scale your learning content alongside your workforce

As your workforce, organization or applications change, you can easily adjust your training content to match. Skyllful provides many useful features that simplify content creation and updates.

Request a Demo Today

When you need remote system training for customer service employees and other frontline workers, choose Skyllful. Request a demo today to see our comprehensive app training platform in action for your organization.