Your people & your technology are what power your contact centers.
But when your agents don't know how to use your apps you get:
» Increased handle times
» Poor first-contact resolution
» Low customer satisfaction
» High agent attrition
Stop wasting time & money on antiquated approaches to systems training.
Get Skyllful, and you'll see:
» Reduced reliance on costly training environments
» Improved employee experience
» Less time spent on training & more time spent serving customers
Complex contact center applications
Are associates struggling to learn due to gaps in training?
High turnover & constant onboarding
Do you need to get new agents ready faster?
Changing transactions & app workflows
Are you struggling to keep training up-to-date?
Cumbersome & costly training environments
Do you need an easier way to create & deliver learning content?
Skyllful teaches your associates how to use their apps & complete customer transactions.
How? With app simulations created without integration to your production apps or data.
Real quotes from contact center associates