Monday Morning Mobile Minute Blog

MMMM #2: Out with the Old, In with the New

Written by Justin Lake | Jan 8, 2018 2:06:00 PM

In today's MMMM, Justin discusses the pain of staying current with your applications. (If you think they're out of date, they probably are.) Learn why keeping your applications current is so critical.

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Transcription of Video:
Hey everybody. I just left a customer meeting, and I had to record this for the Monday Morning Mobile Minute, the next conversation, it'll be my second video of my 52 video commitment to myself.

So, today was really interesting. I just left this meeting where we are helping a client upgrade their application because their current applications run on a PDT 6846. Some of you will probably smile a little bit when I say that because you know exactly what I'm talking about. Others of you will wonder what in the heck I'm talking about, and why that's even significant.

This is one of those topics, I don't even think it's on my list to talk about on my whiteboard, that I tried to show you the other day. Half of you called me out since all the text was backwards on my whiteboard because this stupid app is recording everything backwards. But, for those of you that do know about it, you could appreciate that this client desperately needs to update their application in order to support new hardware.

So, it made me ... it just reminded me that there's this whole other conversation that we've been having lately with, obviously this client and several others, about this idea of, basically, app modernization. It's not even necessarily about putting new apps into new use cases and new solutions, but there is just a huge ecosystem of old applications where it's time for them to be updated. So, in many cases it's going from Windows embedded handheld up to a more modern iOS or Android application. In this case it's even a little bit older then that.

But I got a kick out of it and I just said, you know, this is, these are the kinds of things that we're talking about every day, that we're not doing a great job of documenting, but this is, this is an opportunity. This is what our clients, and probably your company, need to be looking at is, what are those applications today that are being held back because they're running on old hardware, where there's an opportunity to modernize the application. Maybe not even taken an endeavor down a new use case, but just modernize the application so that they work on the modern hardware, with higher performance, with a better user experience, we get better engagement from the users and a happier user who's able to be more productive through modernizing those applications.

It's definitely something to think about, something fun to talk about. Again, some of you will know the devices I'm talking about, others have no idea, you can go look it up, PDT 6846. It kind of gave me a chuckle today, and I know it will for a lot of you, too.

So, hope you guys have a great week and we'll talk again soon.
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At Venado Technologies, our passion is helping customers solve important business problems by applying technology the right way. We believe that emerging technologies will continue to change the way work gets done. Venado Technologies helps business leaders and their most critical workers use technology in a way that makes their work easier, better, and safer.

Venado Technologies provides the brainpower and processes to ideate, create, run, and refresh digital experiences where mobile workers connect with the physical world. By bridging the divide between IT and line-of-business demands, Venado strikes a balance between the mobile worker experience and secure, reliable enterprise technology requirements to drive business outcomes.