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Press Release: Skyllful Coverage Initiated by Industry Analyst Firm 451 Research

Written by Skyllful | Feb 4, 2021 7:18:00 PM


Skyllful, a leading provider of a mobile digital adoption platform that helps workers on the front lines use mobile apps and devices more efficiently and effectively, today announced 451 Research, a technology research and advisory group, has initiated its coverage of the company.

Skyllful is presented in a research report that is part of 451 Research’s ongoing series of reports on companies operating in high-growth, emerging technology market segments.

“As organizations begin to embrace the idea that every company is a technology company, many have begun looking to tools that support their adoption of new software, applications and services to ease the transition,” writes Conner Forrest, a senior research analyst at 451 Research, part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, in the report’s introduction. “The growth of DAP [digital adoption platforms] is great for traditional knowledge work employees, but field and service workers often have unique challenges that make these tools not always the best fit.”

Although more and more technology over the last two decades has been developed and deployed to workers like truck drivers, retail employees, service technicians and others, there has been very little to no modernization in how to make sure these workers are using technology effectively. When mobile workers don’t use technology effectively, it can have real implications for a business, in terms of lost sales or uncompleted jobs, higher turnover, more downtime and more accidents.

Skyllful is the first and only digital adoption platform built expressly for mobile workers. A comprehensive, SaaS-based platform, it helps workers in the field use mobile apps and devices more effectively in their delivery of essential products and services. Skyllful’s platform provides scenario-based, on-demand, on-device simulation training and delivers ongoing education and real-time support to help workers retain knowledge better while supporting new digital deployments and updates and onboarding of new hires.

Skyllful’s platform is designed for project managers, change management leaders and IT leaders. It provides them with the ability to see and measure mobile technology training in real-time by tracking and documenting usage and adoption rates by workers. Whether a company is deploying a new solution or trying to improve engagement with its existing apps, Skyllful’s platform is proven to increase productivity and deliver greater returns on investments in technology.

Read more in 451 Research’s report, Coverage Initiation: Skyllful offers a cloud-based, mobile-first DAP for frontline and field workers, here.

About Skyllful
Skyllful is a leading provider of a mobile digital adoption platform that helps workers on the front lines use enterprise mobile apps more efficiently and effectively in their delivery of essential products and services. With deep expertise in leading mobile technology and best practice field deployments as well as a leadership team with decades of experience working with large mobile workforces and applications, Skyllful provides on-device, on-demand training through scenario-based simulations. Whether a company is deploying a new mission-critical workforce app or seeking to improve its workforce engagement with existing apps, the Skyllful platform is easy to use, intuitively designed and proven to increase productivity and deliver greater returns on investment in technology. Skyllful is headquartered in Denver, Colo., and maintains a customer experience center in the greater Dallas/Ft. Worth area of Texas. For more information, visit and follow on Twitter @Skyllfulco.

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